Battlefield vietnam 2
Battlefield vietnam 2

battlefield vietnam 2

After VIP Map Pack 7 has been released, the likely game refresh will provide enough players to knock the scores out quickly on the Xbox 360 and PC, but the PS3 may take longer as there are less Battlefield players on it.

battlefield vietnam 2

The Recon class will in fact retain the ability to spot enemies with their scopes.

battlefield vietnam 2

Previously there was speculation on whether or not spotting would also be included in the Vietnam add-on as it appeared to be a tech advancement. Points for healing, providing ammo and spotting add up quickly. Httpv://Similar to the 'Air Superiority' bonus in Battlefield 1943 after getting a specific number of kills, the score threshold will probably take less than a week to accomplish. There is also new voice-over recordings for the add-on, which probably accounts for a good portion of the latest patch that was 2GB in size. The gameplay featured in the trailer shows all of these vehicles at work, and some of the music likely to be found in-game. Battle for Hastings will feature boats, helicopters, tanks, jeeps, Tuk-Tuks, temples and a large bridge in the middle that acts as a no mans land. It would appear that not only do the points from Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam count towards the jackpot, but the original game without the add-on will contribute as well. We start counting on December 21st, so make sure you contribute from the start!" So what’s a team action? Well, it’s any and all of these: resupply, revive, heal, spot, and repair. "You and all your friends playing on PS3, PC, or Xbox 360 need to perform 69 million team actions across Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam. According to the Battlefield Blog, the fifth bonus level will unlock separately on each console after the score threshold has been reached. In the most recent trailer it shows how veterans can unlock a fifth level the 'Battle for Hastings' map is said to be unlocked after 69 million collective team actions. Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam will be released shortly and DICE has one more surprise to entice gamers to purchase the add-on: a bonus map.

Battlefield vietnam 2