He booted up the official modding tools provided by Bethesda and hunted down places to find Lucy's monster eggs that were even faster to nab than the ones recommended by the quest marker. I then started thinking of improvements that could be made," Kung says. "A while after my initial route of the category, Tomatoanus came along and started running it. That would have been the end of it, but fortunately even scant competition produces ingenuity. Every other character, Kung says, is either located along the Vegas strip (like Benny) or can be bedded during an egg-collecting pit-stop. Although it's a right pain in the rear, Red Lucy's prerequisite quest Bleed Me Dry provides structure to the rest of the run. Nothing gets a lady in the mood like another lady laden with stolen monster fetuses. Red Lucy, the toughest character to spend a night with, requires completing a multi-part quest fetching and delivering monster eggs. "The rest of the route is built around eggs," Kung says, because of course it is.