Hedda Morrison took several hundred photos of Hong Kong in 1946-7.

Several of John Thomson's photos from the 1860s and 1870s are of Hong Kong.The photos can be viewed and downloaded in high-resolution (though with the library's logo on the picture), which means they can be cleaned up well in an image editor. The Hong Kong Public Library also has a good online search for old photos.There are over 8,000 images in the archive. The Hong Kong Public Records Office offers an online catalogue to their 'Archives for Still and Moving Images'.Other websites with good photos of old Hong Kong include:

Do you have any you can share? It's easy to upload them to, or to show them here if they're already on Flickr. Most of the photos have been kindly contributed by readers like you. That will show you a larger copy of the photo, some information about it, and. Or if you like surprises, just click the photo on the right (see 'Random Photo').